Punch the Alien!

For our final project, Sara and I built an alien head that responds to punches. When you hit the alien, injuries appear in a Processing sketch that correspond to the place where you hit it. It is constructed from a…

Serenity of the Firefly Class Redux

For my ICM final, I decided to upgrade my fireflies sketch to make it a more realistic and immersive experience. I wanted to alter the movement of the fireflies to mimic the swarming behavior of insects. To do this, I…

Pinup Yours

Zena Koo and I made this video for animation class using After Effects. The characters are taken from vintage pinups that we found at the New York Public Library’s image archives, and the music is Patsy Cline’s “The Wayward Wind.”…

Texting with Giants

For the media controller project, Matt Epler, Sara Al-Bassam and I designed a giant phone button pad for typing out old-school texts. The phone buttons were constructed from plexiglass, cardboard, and foam. The plexi provided a hard surface as a…

3D Sucks!

As you can tell from this title, I really don’t like 3D programming. It’s bulky and slow and hard to manipulate. But since we had to play with 3D for an assignment, here it is. My original plan was to…

Serial Duplex

For this lab, I learned how to read input from multiple sensors and translate the serial data via two different methods. The first one is called the Punctuation method. Each time the data is read, it is punctuated with a…

In Your Face

I’ve spent some time observing how people interact with video chat. My dad loves his iPad, and is constantly bugging me to FaceTime with him. He never lets me know ahead of time, so he always ends up calling me…

Unattended Sandwich

Protect your sandwiches! This is my first short film for Comm Lab Animation, using stop motion. Michael Gambale and I made all of the pompom creatures and shot it in a day using Dragon Stop Motion software and a Canon…

A Brief Summary of Comm Lab Web

It occurs to me that I never got around to posting anything about my Comm Lab Web class, mostly because everything was on the web already. Here is a brief summary for documentation purposes: Recipe: http://itp.nyu.edu/~ka1019/Comm_Lab_Web/recipe.html Our first assignment was…


In our first animation class, we discussed the principles and history of animation. One way we explored this was by making our own thaumatropes. As Wikipedia points out, the word “thaumatrope” is a compound of the Greek roots for “wonder”…